Partners in the Nonviolent Cities Project
Yes We Can Peacebuilders is dedicated to the education of individuals and communities on the path to nonviolence so as to inspire and engage people to make nonviolent living a part of their everyday lives.
We envision a culture of peace in a community that fosters respect for all individuals, collaborating to eliminate economic discrimination, poverty, homelessness, racial and sexual discrimination, stereotyping, harassment, bullying, gangs, killing, war, and environmental degradation.

Morro Bay - Photo by Simo Nylander
Always Looking Forward
No year end reviews here?
No matter where I turn, someone is doing a year end review. My favorite Saturday radio music programs were full of broadcasting the 2024’s best or worst or long lists of those who are dead this past year or dead long ago. Nightly news is full of the same as are a whole consortium of December magazines. Reruns of every disaster show up on the screen or are part of every article. Email is full of organizations touting all the wonderful things they accomplished this year and at the bottom begging for dollars. Everyone is looking backwards.
Now, I’m not saying this is bad, but as for me, what’s gone before is gone. Since I can’t change a single thing that I did (or didn’t do) in 2024, why should I spend my valuable time reviewing it? And as for resolutions, well, you know things wished for or promised are only as good as one’s intentions at the time. Then they are mostly forgotten. No sense beating myself up for resolutions I did not accomplish.
However, some accomplishments deserve us looking at them as they can give us suggestions for projects we can do as we go forward in 2025.
A report from the Institute for Economics and Peace in Australia reports that right now in the world the highest number of active conflicts since World War II are taking place. This should give us pause for reflection about where we are going in our search for peace. The good news is that this group, which now has offices in seven countries and believes and stands for peace as the foundation for human flourishing, has through their Ambassador Program trained thousands for doing positive peace work in their communities. Trainings have taken place from Mexico to Indonesia and in over 150 countries. Looking forward for them will be a concentration on trainings for climate advocacy and community resilience.
The Estero Bay Nonviolent Cities Project on the Central Cost of California carries on concentrating on mutual aid that offers resources for anyone suffering from a loss of abundance. This includes many seniors and families that rely on food distribution outlets and organizations. The twice weekly free hot meals fed over 100 people each in two locations throughout the year, one offered through the Food Bank and the other from Los Osos Cares.
The Los Osos Resource Center offers aid and a list of agencies and organizations to assist people in need. Youth and families find assistance throughout the school system in San Luis Obispo County from The Link Family Resource Center. The SLO Food Bank has distribution sites throughout the county for pick-up of nutritious food every week. Over 36,500 residents were helped in 2024.
Food Bank runs a Children’s Farmers Market at the Food Bank warehouse. Children are given Food Bank Bucks and allowed to “shop” the warehouse. They choose and take home 10 to 15 pounds of fresh seasonal produce such as potatoes, carrots, oranges, pears, cabbage, squash, and lettuce. They are also given recipe cards to use to prepare the food. With each they learn the value of nutritious food, how to shop for it and pay, and how to prepare it.
The Estero Bay Kindness Coalition was busy throughout the year bringing together three bags of groceries weekly to 231 families. They gave away backpacks to school kids stuffed with two breakfasts, two lunches, and two dinners for weekend meals.
Peace education work continued through Yes We Can Peacebuilders and the Morro Bay Rotary Club at the local elementary school with the kids in the Sunshine Spreaders Club. Projects included the constructions of over 300 Garden Peace Pickets that the kids sold to raise money for special artist decorated peace poles to be placed throughout the community. Part of that project helped create the new Morro Bay Peace Garden in a prominent location. This garden is a place for quiet reflections and meditations and contains an artist decorated peace pole, beautifully hand painted buckets planted with a variety of succulents, and an ADA concrete pad and bench, as well as a variety of drought resistant plants put in by Morro Bay in Bloom.
Morro Bay in Bloom continues to beautify the town of Morro Bay, California with over 4200 volunteer hours completed in 2024. Throughout the town this organization put in planter boxes and created garden sites that don’t just help make Morro Bay beautiful but contribute to fighting climate change and offers the opportunity to volunteers who like to garden but have no other way to do so, an ongoing gardening experience.
Pace e Bene and Campaign Nonviolence continue to offer nonviolence trainings, speeches, videos, articles, books, youth grants, and other resources for individuals and organizations interested in furthering peace and nonviolence in their communities. Their special action days draw collaboration with thousands of events in association with International Peace Day. Peace Action Week from September 21 through October 2, 2024, had over 5,000 actions, events, and marches taking place in the USA and in 20 countries. Over 60,000 people took part in these events. Twenty-seven cities across the nation take part in the Nonviolent Cities Project with more signing up all the time. Pace e Bene works with these organizers on projects that foster nonviolence education and actions with local governments, school systems, religious communities, and nonprofit organizations.
We will keep looking forward and moving forward to advance peace in our communities, states, and our country and the world. Much has been accomplished and there is much more to do. We hope you will join us. Happy New Year!
By Ruth Ann Angus - Published on Substack December 21, 2024
Singing in a Sound Bath

The mists of drifting fog swept up against the bulk of Morro Rock and spread over the top of the dome, finally dissipating in the sunlight. The Rock loomed large through the huge picture window at Let’s Get Tuned Sound Bath & Yoga Studio. I came that day with a request, not knowing I was to encounter a sound bath session open for free to the community. Twenty-plus people entered, shed their shoes, and spread their mats on the floor of the large room where several gong instruments of various sizes hung on supports along the sides of two windows and five sound bowls rested in front of the largest gong. Jon, our guide with sound for that day, welcomed us and led us into a full experience with sound.
It was not my first time listening to the lyrical tones of the sound bowls but was my first time hearing the gongs. These instruments are round and come in a variety of sizes and are decorated in lines of muted greens, browns, black, and red colors. Each has its own tune, most in the lower registers. Depending on the player’s pressure on the bands of the gong with the padded baton is the result you hear. But hearing isn’t all that is affected. The different intensities evoke a different feeling in the body. When the largest gong of about four feet in height and width was played, the tone pulsed through the room. I thought to myself how important sound is to our well-being. This sound bath had my soul singing!
Song has been missing from the peace movement for a long time now, and greatly missed from protest actions. It was song that led me into peace activities during the explosives 1960s and early 1970s. Folksingers sang songs originally written for and about war and famine and human rights down from history both in the old world and new. New topical songs were written and learned and sung at rallies and demonstrations. Groups singing together experienced a strengthening of unity and purpose and in some cases, singing was the only thing that brought about bravery and removed fear. Why isn’t it used widely now?
As I sat in the studio mellowed out and feeling wonderful, I realized the value of certain types of sound. Not just singing songs but experiencing the depth of the tones emanating from the artifacts being played. Buddhist monks use a variety of similar items in their practice and I remembered the sound of the huge Peace Bell in the Japanese Gardens at the United Nations headquarters in New York. This Buddhist Temple Bell was gifted to the UN by Japan in 1954 and is wrung only twice a year, on the first day of spring and on International Peace Day, September 21st every year. This was the reason I had come to Let’s Get Tuned that day.
The words let’s get tuned resonate with the need that humanity has for finding the inner spirit. As I listened to the comments of the attendees of the day’s sound bath, I heard that some had traveled from towns far away from Morro Bay to take part in this sound experience, some for the first time. I saw and heard the need people have for reaching into their spirit for sustenance and renewal. I knew right away I found the right place to hold this year’s Celebration of Peace for International Peace Day – Let’s Get Tuned Action for Peace Morro Bay 2024!
We will sing! We will chant.! We will clap! We will listen to the Sound Bowls and the Gong! It is all “song” and we will bring song back to the peace movement – Saturday, September 21, 2024.
“All we are saying, is give peace a chance.”
By Ruth Ann Angus

To see the Peace & Planet for Earth Day 2024 event and the establishment of the Morro Bay Peace Garden go to Get Involved and click on Peace Week Actions.
Peace Prevails at the Del Mar Peacekeepers Sunshine Spreaders Thanks to Sponsoring by Morro Bay Rotary Club

Ten 4th graders at the Del Mar Elementary School of Morro Bay, CA welcomed me on November 2nd to tell me about their new club the “Sunshine Spreaders.” Wearing lanyards inscribed with the words Del Mar Peacekeepers they told me they have the desire to “change the world.” After seeing the Peace Picket that I brought along with me as a gift to the group, they decided they would like to construct more of them to sell as a Holiday Project. With help from the Rotary Club of Morro I ordered in all the supplies for them to make up 24 Peace Pickets and they got busy!
Susan Stephens, their faculty coordinator said the kids had a blast doing this and it is evident from the results of the brightly painted and decorated pickets. Sales have been brisk since they set up a table in the lobby of the school and now plans are to keep this peace project going even after the holiday season. Hopes are to blanket Morro Bay (and maybe other towns too) with a Peace Picket in every yard.
By Ruth Ann Angus
It Starts With the Will to Make a Difference
A Peace Proclamation for Morro Bay, CA

On September 11, 2018,Yes We Can Peacebuilders accepted a proclamation of peace and nonviolence from the mayor and city council of Morro Bay, California establishing Morro Bay as a Nonviolent City. In September 2022 a second peace proclamation from the current mayor and city council was accepted by Peacebuilders strengthening the City of Morro Bay's dedication to peace and nonviolence through the Nonviolent City Project. The Nonviolent City Project is a grassroots movement that organizes strategy for activists to work for the transformation of their community into a peaceful, nonviolent city. This is a shift in consciousness to work holistically with every sector of the city to establish a culture of peace.
International Peace Day

Every year we join with national and international groups to celebrate the Nonviolent Cities Project of Pace e Bene International Peace Day. Here youngsters from Children's Center preschool join hands around the peace pole.
Yes We Can Peacebuilders supports social justice and humanitarian organizations in nonviolence actions.
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